How can we help or collaborate with you?

Work with us, engage our services

If you are an agent of change for your community, to bring innovative and sustainable solutions to the challenges with development as usual, we would love to hear about what goals and dreams you have and create a road map of how we can help you get there.  

Collaborate with our team

We are looking for professionals to collaborate with our team.  If you are a regenerative or permaculture practitioner, community development expert, group process facilitator, or working in any of the areas related to sustainable human settlements, then let's join forces.

Invite us to lead a workshop for your team

To do the innovative and dynamic work of designing and creating regenerative human settlements, we can no longer use the same thinking that created our current models; we need new knowledge and skills.  We facilitate learning workshops to build the capacity of your team and stakeholders to succeed.

Invite us to present as a public speaker or podcast guest

We welcome the opportunity to present on any topics related to the work we're doing.  

Be an affiliate partner

We are interested to partner with you to promote goods and services related to regenerative development.  Products that provide solutions to a better quality of life and community make good business.  

Be guest presenter

We are looking for experts or project leaders in the fields of regenerative development, connected living, alternative economic models, permaculture, local food, and sustainable human settlements to be presenters for the Common Ground YouTube channel which has global reach. 

If you'd like to speak with us on the phone or by video call... 








Whakatū/Nelson, Aotearoa/New Zealand